Date: Thursday, January 23
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Substance Sold As: Down
Visual Description: Purple Rock
From Street Connections:
Purple rock sold as DOWN associated with an overdose on January 15. Tested by Health Canada and found to contain fentanyl and benzodiazepines.
Benzodiazepines are sedatives and do not respond to naloxone. When combined with opioids such as fentanyl, they increase the risk of a complex overdose.
Health Canada Drug Analysis Services Results:
Fentanyl (5.25%)
Bromazolam (3.57%)
Etizolam (<1%)
Flualprazolam (<1%)
Caffeine (9.5%)
dimethylsufone (<2%)
Printable Downloads:
If you are using substances, please:
* Use with a friend and stagger your use
* Start low and go slow
* Have and know how to use naloxone
If you are using alone, consider calling a friend or the NORS line at 1-888-688-NORS so they can spot you.
Get your drugs checked:
Mobile Overdose Prevention Site (MOPS), W/T/F/S/S, 12-5PM in the parking lot beside 631 Main St
Street Connections, M/W/F, 1-3:30pm, 496 Hargrave St — Free, anonymous, mail-in service
If you are experiencing grief from losing loved ones to drug toxicity, please know you are not alone. If you need to talk to someone, please call the crisis line at Klinic: 204-786-8686 or toll free 1-888-322-3019