DATE: Thursday, March 14, 2024
LOCATION: Winnipeg
VISUAL DESCRIPTION: Orange in colour
Two adverse reactions to orange-coloured Down at the Mobile Overdose Prevention Site (MOPS). Naloxone injections given to one person.
Substance was tested on the FTIR machine and found to contain no fentanyl or benzodiazepines.
Substance did contain fillers including artificial sweetener and substances that are considered toxic and respiratory irritants.
42.9% Meso-Erythritol
11.8% N,N-Dimethyl-N’-Phenylsulfamide
10% Dimethyl sulfone
9.7% Hydroxy pentoxifylline
8.6% Cycolhexanone semicarbazone
8% Benzyl hydrogen phthalate
6.5% (Ethylsulfonyl)benzene
2.5% Somatropin
If you are using substances, please:
- Use with a friend and stagger your use
- Start low and go slow
- Have and know how to use naloxone
If you are using alone, consider calling a friend or the NORS line at 1-888-688-NORS so they can spot you.