Drug Alert: Winnipeg — Cocaine — Sun. November 3, 2024

Date: Sunday, November 3, 2024
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Substance Sold As: Cocaine
Visual Description: White powder

White powder sold as COCAINE in small plastic bags with blue dolphins has been brought to MOPS on three occasions recently. It was tested on the FTIR machine on two of those occasions. In both tests, it contained no cocaine. This weekend, a sample was tested and found to contain a novel stimulant/amphetamine, plus two toxic filler chemicals.

Click here for detailed FTIR results.

NOTE: When seasons change, there tends to be an uptick in drug toxicity events, and this fall is no exception. Please use extra caution when using substances and make sure you have naloxone on hand.

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If you are using substances, please:

* Use with a friend and stagger your use
* Start low and go slow

* Have and know how to use naloxone

If you are using alone, consider calling a friend or the NORS line at 1-888-688-NORS so they can spot you.

Get your drugs checked:
Mobile Overdose Prevention Site (MOPS) — W/T/F/S/S, 12-5PM in the parking lot beside 631 Main St.
Street Connections — M/W/F, 1-3:30pm, 496 Hargrave St.
GetYourDrugsTested.com — Free, anonymous, mail-in service