We are seeing an increase in drug poisoning events as the summer comes to an end. Supply shortages and inconsistencies, seasonal change, and the ever-increasingly toxic nature of the drug supply are all factors in this.
This is a reminder to stock up on harm reduction supplies and naloxone, to test your drugs (even if your dealer is really cool), and to use slow and with a friend if you can.
If you’re using alone, call the NORS line (1-888-688-NORS) to have someone spot you over the phone.
We love and care about you, and want you and your loved ones to be safe as you’re using, this fall and always.
—Your friends at the Mobile Overdose Prevention Site
Find a Street Connections location for supplies/condoms/testing: streetconnections.ca/locations
Call the Main Street Project outreach van 24/7 to access supplies: 204-232-5217
Info about the Take Home Naloxone program, including how-to videos: streetconnections.ca/naloxone
Manitoba Naloxone Finder: safersites.link/mbnaloxone